The readings appointed for Lent II (Thess. 4 & Matt. 15) both focused on perseverance unto holiness. It is easy in Lent to fall off the track, so to speak, and neglect the fast or our prayers. But these readings come just in time to remind us to persevere! In Latin, the verb perserverare was often used in conjunction with ships. For a ship to 'persevere' meant to keep its course, a very similar call for us during Lent. With that in mind, here are some resources for you that might help encourage you to keep the course!
On fasting (and feasting) by Fr. Spencer & Fr. Wilcox
"Take it Easy and Enjoy Lent" by Fr. McDermott & Fr. Perkins
On saying a First Confession by Reverend Pusey
And finally, resources for confessor and penitents here.