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New Book Announcement

By Fr. Sean McDermott

We are really excited that our first book through Earth & Altar Publications is just about to come out. We are still working with the printer on the cover, but everything else looks wonderful. We hope that this will be an important resource for churches looking to teach youth and newcomers about the Mass and the liturgy.

The first part of the book goes through the entire Mass and explains what is happening. We define difficult words, explain why we do certain liturgical actions, and show the general movement of the liturgy. The layout is easy to follow since the liturgy is printed word-for-word on the left hand column and the explanations are on the right hand column. See below:

The rest of the book is dedicated to explaining the depth of our liturgy, the reason behind the liturgical calendar, answering common questions, defining the common liturgical terms, etc. We were so lucky to work with Matthew Clark, who illustrated this section.

We will hopefully be ready to sell copies next week, and we will make a formal announcement at that time. Get ready!

Fr. Sean McDermott is Curate at All Saints Anglican Church in Charlottesville, VA and Editor in Chief at Earth & Altar.




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