By Fr. Sean McDermott
First off, it has been quiet at Earth & Altar the last couple of weeks because it has been quite busy inside our homes. Both Fr. Mark and I welcomed new babies within the last two weeks amongst several other changes. Once things get a bit more settled, we will continue our work here with a number of new contributors.
Second, we are teaming up with The Sacramentalists Podcast in order to provide more resources for their upcoming season. To that end, we will be posting many articles on the blog that follow the themes they will be covering in their podcast. If you have not checked out the first episode for the new season on Anglican Devotion, listen below:
Third, I am giving a lecture this Wednesday in conjunction with The Sacramentalists on Days of Obligation within Anglicanism. Please join us!
Fr. Sean McDermott is Editor in Chief of Earth & Altar and Curate at All Saints Anglican in Charlottesville, VA.