By Andrea Perkins
Happy Feast of the Ascension! This month I’d like to highlight Laura Alary’s new book Breathe: A Child’s Guide to Ascension, Pentecost, and the Growing Time. Instead of writing a review myself I thought I would direct you to Amanda McGill’s post over at The Homely Hours:
Just like [Alary’s] other books, Breathe is an example of poetic theologizing for children — weaving together the Scriptures and church year traditions as she explores the liturgical themes. As you would expect from the title, Alary chooses the theme of breathing in order to illuminate a biblical theology of the Holy Spirit as wind and breath. The book is divided into four sections: 1) “Breathless” (Christ leaving in the Ascension), 2) Breathe in (the two accounts of Pentecost 3) Breathe Out (Ordinary Time and the Spirit-filled work of the Church), and 4) Time to Grow (the summarizing of all the themes).
Some of you might be familiar with Laura Alary’s other two guides Look!: A Child’s Guide to Advent and Christmas and Make Room: A Child's Guide to Lent and Easter. These two books will be reviewed here later in the year but for now, enjoy Amanda’s insights--it is exciting to have a children’s resource for Ascension, Pentecost, and Trinity.
Andrea Perkins lives in Oviedo, FL with her husband, Fr. Mark, and three children. She is a parishioner at St. Alban's Anglican Cathedral.